Sleep Tips

Sleep allows our bodies to carry out functions that are vital for our physical and mental wellbeing and not enough sleep can impact our mood, ability to concentrate, energy level and wellbeing and lead to raised levels of anxiety or depression.

Sleep Action suggest the following 11 tips to encourage and promote sleep:


Work out your child’s sleep needs


Have a consistent routine

Keep bedtimes and wake up times the same


Wind down for sleep

Take an hour before bedtime to relax


Keep the bedroom calm

Bedrooms should be cool and relaxed


Ditch the tech

Avoid screens in the bedroom for an hour before bedtime


Control light

Consider blackout blinds and dim lights in the hour before bedtime



Keep stress away from bedtime and avoid worrying subjects


Daytime exercise

Encourage plenty of daylight exercise but not within 2 hours of bedtime


Eat to encourage sleep

Keep mealtimes regular, avoid caffeine and excess sugar, and no snacks within an hour of bedtime



If your child still needs to nap, make sure they are awake before 2pm


Manage life changes

Big changes in life can be stressful, so try to prepare your child as much as possible

Our sleep service is designed to improve sleep outcomes through behavioural intervention (sleep hygiene) and cannot advise on or prescribe sleep medicine.

Melatonin is now widely available on the internet. Many people report bringing some home when visiting the USA and Canada, where it is widely available over the counter. Sleep Scotland does not recommend buying melatonin for use in either children or adults. It is not always clear what the strength or contents are in these capsules and gummies. Many also contain high levels of sugar. Pharmaceutical melatonin can also interfere with other medications and herbal remedies. As described above, families should always speak to a GP or Paediatrician if they feel it is the right route for their child.

For more information about helping your child get to sleep, download Sleep Action’s booklet, or visit their website: